So this is a limitation of this script for now: a UV set called default must be present in the retopo room. Initially I wanted to store the origin UV set of each isolated geometry in some variable, but it turned out that it is impossible to determine via scripting to which UV set a visible retopo groups belongs to (at least at the time of writing the script). Move back from isolation will move all geometry from isolatedUVSet back to UV set called the default and Auto Scale this whole set. Unwrap the mesh and launch the Move back from isolation script. UVs will be automatically auto-scaled within that set in sake of better visibility. Isolating to UV-Set will move all visible retopo groups to a UV-set called isolatedUVSet. If your asset consists of multiple retopo groups, managing and inspecting its UVs can be problematic because catching wrongly unwrapped islands makes it a very time-consuming and error-prone process for a human eye when those islands are located in a forest of wrapped UV garbage.

Two scripts that might be very useful when unwrapping a model for texturing. The script is accessible through Retopo➝Hide all and Retopo➝Show all. ALT+LMB doesn’t help in some circumstances. Still, it’s way faster than having to click through gazillion of retopo groups in order to hide them.
In order to enforce the viewport update after running either one of those scripts, you will need to manually click the eye icon of any retopo objects. The caveat is that the implementation of SetRetopoLayerVisibility() function in 3D Coat is somewhat buggy because it affects the visibility state of retopo objects in the Retopo Objects list, but it doesn’t affect them in the viewport. Those two scripts work in the Retopo room and they do exactly what their names imply: hide and show all retopo groups. The script is accessible through File➝Export➝To Separate Files. You can select all geometry file formats that 3D Coat supports. The filename is not important so you can type in whatever you want in that text field as it will be replaced by object names. The path to which all files will be written to.Keep at zero to preserve your objects as they are. reduction percentage (Default = 0.0) - determine the decimation factor of each exported object.If false, the parent may be hidden, but the script will also check for visible flag of each of its children.

If true, all children of a hidden parent, regardless of the fact that they are visible or not, will not be exported. ignore children of hidden parents (default = true) - pretty self-explanatory.

When you launch it, it will ask you about two things. Clone the repository to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\3D-CoatV4x\Scripts directory:ĭid you ever wonder why you can export the whole VoxTree to a single file, but not each sculpt object to its own? You don’t have to worry about it anymore because this script will do it for you.If you don’t use COAT_FILES_PATH environment variable and like to keep 3D Coat’s user preferences directory in its default path (which is ~~/Documents/3D-CoatVxx~) for some reason, clone the repository into Scripts subdirectory of this path.